viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2016

Myocardial Infartion, Coronary Artery Disease, prevent thrombosis

Myocardial Infartion, Coronary Artery Disease, prevent thrombosis, kidney stone, and 90% Reducing: arthritis, asthma.

You may don´t believe us, but our product MAWA, only you need to drink 1/2 liter of quantum water, and the next day when you wake up will make the first urine (in the morning), notice all dissolved plaques or some solids extracted, this plaque always down in deep vessel from your arteries affected, and kidney stone dissolved too:

The artery tube plaque was removed, see:

This images is showing the symptons previously to CHD:


High Artery Pressure:

Tingling in the left arm:

How many people had seen you suffer this CHD. or thrombosis.  maybe the live opportunity been only one. do you will decide, death or life. 

The easy technical explanation about high pressure artery or hypertension; when garden water hose; the valve system have a differents way for water spreaded. into this hose the pressure up, depending what type spread your select (sometimes teh finger cover partially the outlet hose, the high pressure offer more reach) into the hose will have high pressure too. Our heart needs to increase working  pump (high pressure) with a similar restriction (thrombo) and will high pressure (the people feel this pain), when its blind or complet blind the infart attack suffer or death.

October 05th 2016, we had started relief with this strong veins obstruction, the patients (2 brothers, both legs) suffer sickle blood anemy, for several year only treat with medicines only reduce pain. Now, when started to drink our MAWA, the leg swollen was relief, own out body liquid fall out and storaged into the shoes disappeared. pain had reduced 70%, the varicose ulcer show better appearance, this picture was taken 11th October 2016.  
One of heavy treatment, patient with sickel cell blood anemy, just right now ( 10th Oct. 2016) is going reduce the ulcer varicose in your legs, see the cleaning process: 

Varicose veins and obstructed arterys are internally cleaned w/o surgery or hospitalization. Only drink quantum water  MAWA (500cm3) by 1 or 3 times, (5 days, beetwen each drink).  Those depend of the how much obstruction thrombphlebitis you have it, or after the first drinking you will feel the next day pain reduce or relief it 100%.

This clot desappeared and step by step the skyn recover better appearance. the swelling will need compression socks, massage, soft sport walk, and reduce to eat purines base food (is one of several purine derivatives, especially the bases adenine and guanine, which are fundamental constituents of nucleic acids. are any of a number of nitrogenous bases, such as guanine and adenine, that are derivatives of purine andconstituents of nucleic acids and certain coenzymes)

Facebook, see posted certification about other people just relieved.

Please send us e-mail:
Mobile phone: (57) 316-7559022. / Colombia Whatsapp: 57 314-8220415.

Its important write it, this product is  100% not affected the human corp, because is only quantum water. The all medical community society,  wouldn´t they agree, and they don´t recognize this, but they know about this technologies.

How Does Insufficient Blood Flow Cause Venous Ulcers?
The blood in your body circulates throughout by flowing down to your legs and is then pumped back up to your heart through veins in your legs. When you are sitting and standing in an upright position, your leg muscles squeeze the deep veins in your leg to pump blood upward against gravity to your heart. Inside those veins are valves that push the blood upwards; however, sometimes those valves become loose or leaky, and become inefficient in circulating blood in your legs.
If you sit or stand for a short period of time the blood in your legs can pool to increase the blood pressure in your veins, and this can stretch and damage vein walls in your body. This condition, also known as “venous insufficiency”, causes poor circulation and increased blood pressure within your leg.
If left untreated, the high blood pressure can allow fluid to seep out of the veins beneath the skin, resulting in swelling, thickening and damage to the skin. If the skin is damaged enough, it eventually breaks down to form an ulcer.
Other symptoms of venous insufficiency include the following:
• Tired, achy legs
• Thickening of the skin in or around the ankles
• Discoloration of skin usually with a red or purple hue
• A bumpy appearance and texture to the skin
• Dry, itchy skin
A sore can develop on the skin simply due to a hit or bump, and wearing boots or other footwear can sometimes feel impossible. Over time you may develop a wound that doesn’t heal and can often times grow in size and severity, causing pain on a daily basis.
Our product only drink 1/2 liter (quantum processed Water), 3 or 5 times, each: 5 days. next day that you have drank the first water bottle  MAWA, when wake up:  feeling pain reduced, and swollen disappear 100%.

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